Monday 23 February 2009


The older I get, the less tolerant I have become. An oh how guilty it makes me feel sometimes! It's mainly a work issue for me. I feel like a bit of an outsider sometimes, in respect of not really being able to relate and talk about my interests with like minded folk. I could go on about how one particular person irritates me to high heaven but this blog is in a public domain so anyone could put two and two together......oh dear, I had better stop now! Everyone is so nice at work (in the main) so to have become almost irrational about one person is, well, irrational. So, I need to put all this negative energy to good use....and write about him/her (see, not many clues) and try and unravel how exactly he/she manages to bring out the worst in me! Not good for my blood pressure either....

Anyway, last night was productive, I read quite a bit and wrote two poems. A major breakthrough!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. There's always one isn't there?
    Like you say, use the situation for a writing piece. I have done this in the past, actually turning a particular incident into a comical piece, which made me feel VERY good, seeing my 'character' meet a comical demise! HA

    Great work with your poems, Jill, keep it up! x

  3. I wrote a short story when that happen to me at work. I called it the 'perfect murder' because everyday the person walked past my desk I thought up different ways I would like to kill them. In the end, I wrote the story and it help me get over the hurt a lot quicker. It was less messy too. lol
