Wednesday 4 March 2009


I was in Tesco after work. Suddenly, I had in my hand a packet of those gorgeous dark chocolate covered biscuits, you know, the expensive Belgian ones, just 9 in pack. I was just going to have one, maybe two with a well deserved cup of tea when I got home. I'll save the rest for the weekend, I told myself as I slunk through the checkout, trying to disguise my purchase along with a packet of ham and some toilet rolls. Half an hour later. Feet up. Peppermint tea brewing. It had been a good day at work, I had left my end of year appraisal beaming with pride. After a small sip of the tea, I sighed and opened the packet. The inevitability of what would happen in the next ten minutes was pushed to the back of my mind. I tried to fight the hormonal surge, as I lusted after the smooth creamy chocolate which melted in my mouth as the sharp crunch of the rich tea type biscuit echoed in my ears. What a juxtaposition. Opposite but perfectly matched. One biscuit had made just a small dent in my insatiable appetite for their chocolatey perfection. I may as well finish this section of the box. In a blink of an eye, and another cup of tea later, the box lay sad and empty by my side on the sofa. I guiltily hid it beneath the rotting banana skins in the kitchen bin. After a few minutes of chocolate heaven I began to feel slightly queasy, as I prepared a nice healthy salad for dinner.


  1. How odd that we both thought of juxtaposition!

    You know I fancy some chocolate biscuits now don't you!? :-)

  2. Sorry! I only have to see the word "chocolate" written down and I start to salivate! ;-)

  3. Oh well, none for you next week unless you complete a short story... Penance for eat all the biscuits. ;-)

  4. Further confession to make....also had a small bar of Galaxy....damn those hormones! ;-)

  5. I think you misunderstand, Jill. Those packets are *designed* to be eaten in one sitting.

