Saturday 23 May 2009

Hay Rage

You've heard of road rage, well I have just experienced a new phenomenon, "Hay Rage"!! (copyright Rob Thompson!) I knew it would take a few days to shake off the heavy cloak of work stress, but I thought a glorious sunny day in a beautiful place would help the blues melt away. Until a short stroll this afternoon from the village of Hay on Wye to the festival site half a mile down the road. Perhaps my intolerance levels are still high, or perhaps I should have taken that "chill pill". They stretched 5 abreast in front of us. There was not a millimetre of pavement left. Still they kept coming.There were just three of us, and what seemed like three hundred of them! By "them" I mean our fellow festival goers, who seem to live on the planet rude and inconsiderate. Obviously that phone call they were making at the time was sooo important, or the conversation so in depth that our very existence passed them by. We were invisible. We shouldn't be surprised. The London crowd (or so they sounded) acted as if they were still fighting the crowds in, well, London! "Sorry" we kept saying, as we moved out of their way (why do we do that?). "Don't worry, I'll walk in the road and play with the traffic!" No, I didn't say that last one out loud. Well it is Bank Holiday I suppose. We English are used to cramming in some enjoyment into three short days of what we hope to be mostly sunshine this year. It isn't all like that thank God. Yesterday we met a lovely old lady who was in a wheel chair, and we sat and chatted while we had tea. "I am hoping to come and see my friend Roger McGough" she said, in a most unpretentious-like manner. I was impressed. We had a lovely chat, about what the festival was like years ago, before the site moved to the outreaches of the town. Most of the people are lovely though. And the site is especially lovely at night, and on Tuesdays, after the weekenders toddle off back to London town or wherever their busy and important lives lead them to. I sound like an old cynic don't I? Or a grouchy old woman? But all I want is for a few old fashioned manners and a bit of consideration for fellow human beings. After all, we are all here for the same reason aren't we? Never mind, another glass or ten of wine will make it all seem better I'm sure!


  1. Did you have a good time, Jilly? I have always wanted to go, but at the moment it still on my wish list along with the London Book Festival.

    Did you meet any famous authors?

    Best wishes,


  2. Hi Annie, we are lucky enough to be here for the whole week. We met Guardian journalist John Crace today - pure chance that a week ago my husband sold hime some stuff on eBay - they have a mutual love of all things Tottenham Hotspur! We are seeing Alan Bennett, Graham Swift and Kste Atkinson among others. You must give it a try, its addictive!

    Jill x
