Tuesday, 9 June 2009

New stuff

There has been a bit of delay with my blogging. I have written lots of notes about my week in Hay-on-Wye at the literary festival. When I got home, I realised that I had a lot more reading to do for the next assignment in my Welsh history course than I first thought. And there was me thinking (smugly) how organised I was. Roll on July - when the course finishes. I have plans you see. Poetry is where I am hurtling towards, and I may start writing my memoirs (posh name for a diary I know, but I have never kept one) which will be the ramblings of a slightly dotty forty something woman who lacks motivation, looking back on her life. After all, I have no children (as a friend and fellow blogger has also realised) to pass on my history to. I think it is important to write things down, for reflection and perspective. My thoughts generallyconsist of rather mixed up ramblings in my brain who are all competing with each other to get out - that's what it feels like to be in my head, scary!! So thank you Larisa, for giving me an idea and a bit of direction. I also need to re-write a story I submitted for my final assignment for my degree. I think it has potential - I certainly got a great mark for it, so fingers crossed I can do something positive with it.


  1. I reseached my family history so to it is always important to keep a record of your everyday life. Now in this time of the internet and computer the written word maybe lost forever. I know you said you have no children of your own, but local history centre may show an interest in your scribbling later on in your life. I know, I've read so very interesting collections of letters which I have passed on to the Whitby Museum so that others future generations can enjoy them too.

    Good luck with your story

  2. Thanks Annie, that's a really good point I hadn't thought about. I grew up in a "New Town", left in 1992 and returned in 2002. The changes made in those ten years were enormous compared to the previous 24. I shall also quiz my MIL as she has lived here since the late 50's and knows a lot about the town's history. I guess that the history course I am doing at the moment will serve me well (although it's a bit boring!) in that I will be approaching things in a different way now.
